Please read this before using our site ‘site terms of use carefully.
Customers who use these shopping sites and shopping are assumed to agree with the following conditions:
Web pages on our site, and all pages attached to it ( ‘sites’) www.alfazzo.com ALFAZZO fir address in the (‘ Company) is owned and operated by. You are ( ‘User’) while using all the services offered on the site, you are subject to the following conditions, to benefit from the service and still continue to use the site; The right to sign contracts according to the law you are connected, competent and have the legal capacity and you’re over 18, you have read this agreement, understood, and by the contract you agree to be bound by conditions.

This agreement being indefinitely, rights party to the contract with the site and obligations loads and parties have agreed in this contract online or pity / confirm they said rights and obligations are complete, accurate, timely, declared that they will fulfill within the conditions claimed in this contract and undertake .


Company reserves the right to make changes on the price and availability of products and services amounting to always reserved.

The company said the service member’s contract, accepting that benefit other than technical faults and undertake.
The user will not make reverse engineering on the use of the site or their source code to find or to engage in any other transaction for the purpose of obtaining otherwise and 3 will be liable for damages arising in the People before, it agrees about that legal and criminal proceedings.

User is missing is provided when a member of the site and misinformation so just be itself responsible for any damage suffered, in the case of giving false information and in case of violation by a Member of this contract, the company unilaterally accept any notice and could end his membership without the need to strike.

Company by improving the website, for the development and / or name of the Internet service provider used to access the site in line with legal regulations and the Internet Protocol (IP) address, access date and time to the site, the Internet Web site that allows to connect directly to pages and sites that are accessed in the order of presence on the site It can collect information such as the number. User agrees that the collection of such information.
The user’s activities within the site, contrary to public morality and manners in any section of the site or communications unlawfully, 3. undermine the rights of individuals, misleading, offensive, obscene, pornographic, damages individual rights, contrary to copyright law, illegal activities will produce encouraging content He agrees to share. Otherwise, he is fully responsible for damage to occur, and in this case the ‘Site’ authorities, such accounts may suspend, terminate, reserves the right to initiate legal proceedings. Therefore, if the judicial authorities of the event or come requests for information about user accounts, reserves the right to share this information with authorities.
Relations with each other or with third parties is the sole responsibility of the member’s site.


2.1. Done in the site title, company name, trademarks, patents, logos, design, information and all intellectual registered or unregistered methods such as property rights of the site operator of and owner of the company or belong to the respective indicated, are protected under national and international law. This is the idea of visiting the site or benefiting from the services mentioned on this Site does not give any rights in intellectual property rights.

2.2. The information contained on this website in no way be reproduced, republished, copied, can not be presented and / or transmitted. The whole or a part of the site be used without permission on another website. In case of such a violation, the user of third parties the amount of compensation claimed from the company due to losses incurred and court costs and attorneys’ fees, including but will be responsible for meeting all kinds of other obligations including, but not limited thereto.


3.1. Company, personal information transmitted by users via the site will not reveal to 3 People. This personal information; contact name, surname, address, telephone number, mobile phone, e-mail address as the user comprises all kinds of other information for identification, briefly ‘Confidential Information’ as referred to.

3.2. Users, promotional, advertising, campaigns, promotions, announcements and so on. to be limited to the use of part of its marketing activities, communication of itself, the company that owns the site, portfolio status and demographic information on affiliates or connected is set to share with companies, accept that he or given in this context electronic message to receive approval for its subsidiaries and declare. This personal information within the firm to determine the customer profile, customer profiles and to provide the appropriate promotional campaigns and can be used to make statistical studies.

3.3. The user has given consent to this agreement has the right to cancel without explaining any reasons. Cancellation of the company, and receive immediate treatment, three (3) business days of the user shall refrain from taking electronic message.

3.4. Confidential information can only be disclosed to the public authorities in case of duly requested this information and the official in cases where applicable mandatory provisions of the legislation pursuant to the mandatory disclosure of official authority.


article this agreement shall apply to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.offered by the company services are provided “as is” and “as possible is” is presented in basic and merchantability for a particular purpose, or non-infringement on all implied warranties including any services or practice with respect (they may include all information included) express or implied, statutory or in any nature does any warranties.


Users accurate, complete and current records is obliged to give the information. Otherwise it will count this contract has been breached and bilgilendirilmeksiz user’s account can be closed.
The user is responsible for the sites and passwords and account security from third party sites. Otherwise, data loss will occur and the company from security breaches or hardware and is not responsible for damage to the device.


Not under the control of the parties; natural disasters, fires, explosions, civil war, wars, riots, popular movements, mobilization, strikes, lockouts and epidemics, infrastructure and internet failures, power outages reasons such as (hereinafter the “Force Majeure” will be called.) Due to contractual If you become liabilities can not be performed by the parties, the parties are not responsible for it. this time, the parties of this nature will be suspended from the rights and obligations of the Convention.


One of the terms of this Agreement, if it becomes completely or partially invalid, continues to protect the validity of the remainder of the contract.


The company services offered on the site at any time and can change the terms of this Agreement partially or completely. The changes will be effective from the date it is published on the site. The operator’s responsibility is to follow the changes. Users, but continued to benefit from the services offered deemed to have accepted these changes.


All notices are to be sent to the relevant parties to the Convention, known e.mail address and e.mail address specified by the user in the form of membership will be made by the Company. The user’s address while members noted that the current address for service, if the change will notify the other party in writing within 5 days, otherwise the notification will be considered valid agrees to this address.


Parties in carrying the Parties in respect of any disputes that may arise for transactions related to this contract, the records and documents and computer records and fax records numbered 6100 Civil Procedure is to be accepted as evidence in accordance with the Law, the user agrees not to object to these records.


Present in the solution of any dispute arising from the interpretation or implementation of the Convention Istanbul (Central) Judiciary Courts and Enforcement Offices are authorized.



· Questions from consumers, demands, suggestions and complaints to be dealt with and managed and efficient customer service can be presented,
· Sponsorship activities can be carried out,
· Storing data in order to provide personal interviews with owners of service / transaction security,
· Communication with customers to switch to the control of the service satisfaction
· Using cookie information, communication and submission of proposals, as well as products targeted ads
· Analyzing Website traffic and usage data, user experience and site performance analysis of the use of these improvement works

· Questions from consumers, demands, suggestions and complaints to be dealt with and managed and efficient customer service can be presented,
· Sponsorship activities can be carried out,
· Storing data in order to provide personal interviews with owners of service / transaction security,
· Communication with customers to switch to the control of the service satisfaction
· Using cookie information, communication and submission of proposals, as well as products targeted ads
· Analyzing Web site traffic and usage data, user experience and site performance analysis of the use of these improvement works

Employees of candidates and relevant references

· To determine the suitable candidates for open job positions,
· Candidates reference checks can be made,
· Execution of human resources policies and processes


· Contact the execution of activities,
· Execution of social responsibility and sponsorship activities,
· Giving gifts or promotions, sweepstakes or contests inclusion,
· Consumer interests, understanding the demands and changing needs, evaluation of website, development of existing products and services and / or the development of new products and services and improving the brand reputation
· regulation of the organization, inviting customers, pursuing the organization’s participation, making the booking process necessary for the organization,
· Carrying out activities for customer satisfaction,
· Execution of advertising campaigns promotional process,
· Agreement and the illegality of the investigation, detection, prevention, investigation and reported to the relevant administrative or judicial authorities,
· Carrying out activities of strategic planning.


· To suppliers/follow-up of the payments to subcontractors, checking the financial status, pricing, billing and so on. Managing the process
· Giving gifts or promotions, sweepstakes or contests inclusion,
· Regulation of the organization, inviting customers, pursuing the organization’s participation, making the booking process necessary for the organization
· Goods, services, production and execution of the operation process
· Agreement and the illegality of the investigation, detection, prevention, investigation and reported to the relevant administrative or judicial authorities,
· Contact the execution of activities,
· Execution of risk management processes,
· Execution of supply chain management processes,
· ALFAZZO is granted rights to use the legal basis for the execution of the house contract management and protection.

Distributors and their employees

· Follow up of the payment, checking the financial status, pricing, billing and so on. Managing the process
rights and interests as the execution of the process to · Employees
· Goods, services, execution of production processes and operations,
· carry out the performance evaluation process,
· Marketing and execution of analysis,
· Execution of advertising campaigns promotional process.

Those who reach the Call Center

· Meat by telephone, electronic means or verifying the identity of the person that arrives with another channel,
· The provision of internal training and quality assurance purposes,
· Questions from consumers, demands, suggestions and complaints to be dealt with, managed, investigated and effective customer service can be presented,
· Consumer interests, understanding the demands and changing needs, evaluation and improvement of existing products and services and / or the development of new products and services,
· Communication and submission of proposals, as well as products targeted ads.

Members of the Retail Customer and Sales Channel

· Carry out and complete the order process
· Products, services, give information about campaigns and promotions
· Understand the preferred shopping, trend analysis and statistical analysis to make
· To strengthen the security of the site
· Completed successfully on behalf of their order and sales process identity, communication, member transactions, transaction security, marketing, product / service usage and demand / provide information on complaint management and process management
ALFAZZO also online navigation, search and purchase behavior on that information and brands interact with communications, have certain common features, can store by creating a group can not be distinguished individual identity, or can use the data of the digital platform that stores creating these groups to advertising activities.

Transfer of Personal Data

ALFAZZO and execute the activities of your personal data for the purposes mentioned above, we paylaşabilmekt with the following parties:
· Operating abroad ALFAZZO company with the purpose to fulfill the administrative
· Coordination and cooperation with the business units and plants on site in order to ensure efficiency ALFAZZO
· ALFAZZO providing technological support for the system being used by the company Bunyan and system administrators in this context
· Customer satisfaction, brand reputation and so on. purposes within the scope of research companies and campaigns / promotions within the scope of the agency
· Scope of recruitment services firms with Human Resources
· The Law and compliance with legal advisers in order to carry out activities
· Payments and payment companies in order to realize the billing process, tax offices, banks, auditing firms and the public authorities,
· Claims / complaints / suggestions can be assessed, ALFAZZO websites that host or operate, analyze data, provide customer service and ALFAZZO on behalf of third parties providing services
· Sponsors, advertisers, ad networks, ad servers, networks and social media analytics company or marketing, publicity, and other third parties with respect to data enrichment
· Business acquisitions or new business areas during the buying and selling personal data may be shared with relevant third parties.
Due to legal obligations associated with the legal authorities can be shared with the following objectives.
· Once believed in good faith that the law requires a relevant,
· Carry out an investigation at the request of government officials;
· To verify or enforce applicable policies;
· For any technical or fraud or to identify vulnerabilities and protect;
· To respond to an emergency;
· ALFAZZO owned websites, ALFAZZO publicly owned or third parties’ rights, property, to protect the security.


ALFAZZO to, members are obligated to keep the information storage required by law. However, each time the Member informed about the personal data on its own, access to these data, to request the correction or deletion of their purposes and used or reserved the right to demand that the learning.
The processing of your data by ALFAZZO and give your data ALFAZZO responsible for the capacity of the process to the extent that the kvkk’n accordance with Article 11 +90 545 639 0034 telephone number by calling us or sending an e-mail address info@alfazzo.com your personal data;
a) learning any of your personal data has been processed;
b) to request information regarding the processing of personal data activities;
c) the learning objectives of the processing of your personal data;
d) in the event the person learning be transferred to a third party in the country or abroad of personal data;
e) missing or do not want their personal data to be corrected if incorrectly processed;
f) request the personal data of the disappearance of the cause of the processing or to process the data in question or the legitimate interest of the company legal basis from being erased in the absence or destruction of personal data;
g) The Company, the functioning again by third parties authorized by the Company are not required to provide personal data and to respect your rights under this chapter;
h) the processing means of automatic systems of personal data that may result from the unfavorable results and to appeal;
ii) due to the processing of personal data in a manner contrary to the law if you suffer a loss, you have the right to demand compensation for this damage.
You can update your membership and communication preferences at any time by logging into the system.

What are your personal data kept for?

According to the Law No. 6563 on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce; Records of retrieved the approval of one year from that date; The content of the commercial electronic message and any other shipping records will be kept for three years to be submitted to the relevant ministry, if necessary. Your personal data will be deleted after a period of time or upon your request by our company, it will be destroyed or rendered anonymous.

Security of Personal Data

ALFAZZO is committed to taking the necessary technical and administrative security measures to prevent the Law on Personal Data Protection Law in accordance with Article 12 of the unauthorized processing of personal data and access. In this context, information security is based on the scope of protection of personal data and controls are operated.
Personal data security to ensure the name is ALFAZZO is provided on all campuses in which it operates to improve controls within the framework of physical and environmental security, employees and the protection of providers of personal data is organized awareness programs been the subject of duties and responsibilities in the matter. Implementation of technical security controls is also given in conjunction with administration of the subject matter. In this context, being established authorization and approval mechanisms for accessing all kinds is regularly revised and is provided to the recording of the transaction, periodic inspections carried out to determine the weaknesses that may occur in the system being used cryptographic methods to prevent unauthorized access during transmission of data, the risk for security incidents that may arise analysis is performed and resolve security incidents are occurring are recorded.

Cookies (Cookie) What is and what is used in Figure?

Cookies are files created by websites you visit. Cookies store browsing information, such as your site preferences or profile information. Cookies When you visit the site, installed by your web browser and stored on the device that you have entered the site. To facilitate screening you make during your visit to Cookies and Site users are required to make any friendly and will not harm your device.
ALFAZZO to, you make a special promotion, to offer promotions and marketing offers, to improve the content of the Site by you and / or to determine your preferences; On the site navigation information and / or monitor your usage history, membership on the site. ALFAZZO can be used online or at different times and by different methods, such as information collected offline, you can match the information on the site and the information collected from you with information from other sources such as third parties. Using mapping and the only question will remain within the scope and objectives set out in this Privacy and Cookie Policy.
ALFAZZO cookies also; search engines, Site and / or ALFAZZO thought you might be interested in the ads that advertise that you visit their website you can use in order to offer you. ALFAZZO while offering these ads, it can be placed in your browser ALFAZZO in order to recognize a third-party cookie.
to provide the services requested by us to improve the experience of users during visits to the sites used by external organizations, and managed and “third-party cookies” Except as private information stored in cookies on the Site only used our ALFAZZO the side. This “third party cookies” is the main purpose of obtaining access to statistics and to guarantee the security of payment transactions performed.
Your password or your credit or debit card details in the cookies we use are depolamamakt the sensitive nature of such information. information about the cookies we use to collect your browsing information when you make your first login to the site will be provided with pop-up screen.
If you prefer to avoid the use of cookies on the Site considering the limitations specified above, you must first disable the cookie feature on your browser to use then you will need to delete the cookies stored associated with this Site. You can use any time you want the option of preventing the use of cookies. However, you can prevent cookies may have consequences such as inability to benefit from a number of services offered on the Site.
ALFAZZO always make changes to this Privacy and Cookie Policy. These changes altered the new provisions and / or policies posted on the Site together with the validity of the gains immediately. In case of such changes or recalculations, our members will be informed needed.


This contract; this article a paragraph on the title, full address and contact information to place verilensatıc with (hereinafter the contract “SELLER” will be referred to as) to be the place to me in the information (hereinafter the Agreement “RECEIVER” hereinafter) has been signed between the terms and conditions stated below.
Name and surname:

The implementation of this agreement and will express written statement in writing against the interpretation of the terms below.
One of acquiring goods or services with no commercial or professional purposes, uses or benefits from the natural or legal person,

Minister of Commerce,
The Ministry of Commerce,
Law on Consumer Protection,
that order:
Goods or services belong www.trendyol.co named DSM website or natural or legal persons claiming through the mobile application,
BUYER and SELLER concluded between this Agreement,
The seller and the buyer,
Product or Products:
transported goods being exchanged, leisure or residential immovable property intended to be used in the electronic media software, audio, video and all kinds of products, means
The Distance Selling Regulations.

Business is the subject of this contract, the buyer’s vendor of www.alfazzo.com domain name web site from the electronic media in order to make the following qualities and selling prices of the products mentioned in the sales and delivery regarding on the 6502 numbered Consumer Protection Act and 29 188 Official Gazette No. Distance of the parties pursuant to Regulation Relating to the Convention is to undertake the rights and obligations.

4.1. all the commitments included in the price specified in the agreement is valid until they are changed and updated. promises declared as the term and prices are valid until the end of the specified period.
4.2. Located in the stores with prices on the site are not responsible for any differences that may arise between SELLER prices. The prices indicated in the order summary page when ordering on the site when you order through the site are valid.
4.3. SELLER their true colors to the color of the product in the pictures on the site aims to show the most appropriate way. However, the user’s display settings, does not accept liability for any differences that may occur due to different display types.
4.4. Listed on the site and declared price is the selling price. The goods or services including all taxes and sales price are shown below.
Product code
Unit price

Of TL (KDV Including)

Of TL (KDV Including)

Shipping cost:
Of TL (KDV Including)

The overall total:
Of TL (KDV Including)

5.1. BUYER information regarding payment and delivery given in the table below that of its own, this information is that any error there, for reasons arising from the deficiencies or inaccuracies in information provided by the Purchaser case of now or inability to delivery to the presence of the seller’s liability and warrants.
And Payment Plan

Delivery address

Meet Deliverables

Billing address

Order date

Delivery method

5.2. Contract products, “6502sayıl Law on Consumer Protection” and the “Regulation on Distance Contracts” in accordance with specified legal 30-day period not to exceed with the registration, depending on the distance to the buyer’s domicile for each product BUYER or show the person at the address / organization delivered via shipping company it is.
5.3. Product delivery, the person entitled to delivery specified in this contract / organizations will be made from someone else. During the delivery, receipt is mandatory identification card of an authorized person. These people, if they do not present identity will be made to refrain from their delivery. Products subject to the contract, another person from the receiver / will be delivered to the person, to be delivered to the person / organization due to the seller’s delivery can not be attributed to accept any responsibility.
5.4. BUYER contracted goods / services will examine before taking delivery; dents, cracks, etc. packaging torn. damaged and defective goods / services company will take delivery of the cargo. Delivery taken of goods / services is undamaged and that the firm will be accepted.
5.5. The recipient of the product price for the delivery of products subject to the contract with the preferred method of payment is required to be paid. product fee is not paid for any reason is canceled or if the bank records, shall be exempt from SELLER product delivery obligations.
5.6. After delivery of the product the buyer’s credit card in a way that caused the buyer’s flaws unauthorized unfair or about the cause to be used as unlawful bank or financial institution of the product cost of fails to pay the seller of the product provided that the receiver itself has been delivered 3 days in must be sent to the seller. In this case the shipping costs are the responsibility of the buyer.
5.7. not be the same person, the credit card holder used when ordering with the receiver or even before the product delivered to the recipient, the security event of detection is on for the credit cards used in order, dealer, identification and contact information for the credit card holder, the extraction of the previous month, the credit card used in order of the credit card or debit card holder can request the recipient to submit the article for that belongs to him. subject to the buyer’s demand information / documents are to be frozen in time until the order to ensure, in case of failure to meet the aforementioned demands of the SELLER within 24 hours, has the right to cancel the order.
5.8. fulfillment of orders the goods or services SELLER acts; force majeure or shipping preventing adverse weather conditions, interruption of transportation, fire, earthquake, and flood as dominant in cases where impossible due to extraordinary circumstances and can not deliver a justified reason, in case of determination can not be supplied to contract products within the contract products in time, the state is obliged to notify the buyer . In this case, the cancellation of orders BUYER, if the contract products and replaced with precedent and / or delivery period blocker may use any of the postponement until the disappearance of the rights. As pay amounts paid by the buyer in case of cancellation of the order is paid back to him. In the payment made by the buyer’s credit card, the amount of product, after the cancellation order by the BUYER no later than 10 (ten) will be returned to the bank during the day. After returning to the banks of this amount is BUYER account the implications fully related to bank transaction process, RECEIVER, whether it is possible to engage in any form of intervention vendor for possible delays and the amount refunded to your credit card by SELLER of time to reflect RECEIVER account by the bank to be in the SELLER’S responsibility that SELLER will be installed and accept no liability in relation to this process, and is committed to declare.

6.1. BUYER; distance contracts for the sale of goods, the person at the address of the product itself or Show / organizations from delivery date to 14 (fourteen) no justification can use the right of withdrawal from the contract showing the financial refusing during the day. In the distance contracts for the provision of services, this period starts from the date of signing the contract. Cayman rights before the end of the period, consumer services, with the approval of the execution of the right of withdrawal begin service contracts available. Costs arising from the use of the right of withdrawal DEALER ‘belongs. Which will be the dealer for the exercise of the right of withdrawal breach notification, delivery of goods from the 14 (fourteen) by the Purchaser in accordance with the Regulations on Distance Selling Contract-day period it must be made in writing or by means of a continuous data carrier . Therefore BUYER located above the seller’s address written to the open, customer service phone line or info@alfazzo.com You must request a refund via e-mail.

6.2. In case of using the right of withdrawal,

a) person or receiver delivered product, in the original bill is being delivered cargo to be sent to the seller, refund part of the filling (if the bill be returned to the desired product under the name of an institution, refund, which was held back when returning institution bill with ) from the date of notification that the product is used together with the breach of the right against ten (10) should be sent to the seller by the Purchaser during the day.
b)SELLER, since delivery of the product with a reach him of breach notification and invoice at least 10 (ten) debts into the total price and the buyer within days is obliged to return all documents to the buyer.
c) theproduct be returned in the box, packaging, it should be delivered complete and undamaged with standard accessories, if any.
d)If for some reason the value of the property resulting from a reduction of the defect or return if buyer is obliged to pay damages to the supplier impossible RECEIVER defect rate.
e) Thediscount amount utilized in the campaign if they are below the amount of the withdrawal of the right to limit campaign organized by the SELLER due to the use will be canceled.
6.3. The refund amount will be refunded to the payment method used when ordering. bank rules regarding the payment which will be refunded to the credit card reserved.

7.1. produced in accordance with requests and demands special receiver or on changes or additions performed on goods that are made individually; BUYER not use the right of withdrawal. In addition, Purchaser, as nature can not be returned, rapid deterioration or expired the possibility that goods can not use the right to withdraw the case. That’s why; recipient’s request, or clearly prepared in accordance with his personal needs, not suitable to be returned as the nature, underwear sub-components, swimwear and bikini bottoms, cosmetics, disposable products, rapid deterioration in danger or audio expired the possibility that goods or video recordings, software programs and computer refund if the package was opened by the Purchaser of the supplies required by the regulation is impossible.

7.2. Cosmetics and personal care products, underwear products, swimsuits, bikinis, books, copied software and programs, DVD, VCD, CD and cassette with stationery supplies (toner, cartridges, ribbons, etc.) Unopened packaging, untested, be intact and unused It can be returned in case.

7.3. The product as claimed refunds of this contract by the Purchaser 7.1. and 7.2. It is one of the products listed in articles or 6.1. If the transport agent will be immediately notified to the recipient by the conditions specified in this SATICI.

RECEIVER, the process is made with a credit card in case of falling into default cardholder bank itself will pay interest within the framework of the credit card contract made with and assumed it would be responsible to the bank, and warrants. In this case, the bank may apply to the relevant legal way; probable costs and may request attorneys’ fees from the receiver and all circumstances in the event of a drop in delinquencies due to the buyer’s debt, RECEIVER, losses incurred by the vendor because of its performance lagged debt and agree to pay the damages, and warrants.

9.1. Parties, the implementation of the Agreement and disputes arising from the interpretation TC Science, Industry and Technology Ministry until the declared value of the recipient’s purchased goods or services and Consumer Courts and Arbitration Committee for Consumer at the location of the residence has agreed to be authorized.
9.2. SELLER complaints and appeals regarding applications for TC Science, Industry and within the monetary limits set in December of each year by the Ministry of goods or purchased service or consumer issues at the location of the residence can to one or the consumer court arbitration. Information related to monetary limits are as follows:
To be effective from the date of 1/1/2020:
a) 6920 (a altıbindokuzyüzyirm) in disputes under the Turkish Lira District Consumer arbitral tribunal
b) in the Metropolitan yl status 6920 (altıbindokuzyüzyirm a) with 10,390 Turkish Lira (onbinüçyüzdoks AN) Consumer Arbitration Committee Province in disputes between the Turkish Lira
c) the status of 10.390 in the non-metropolitan provinces of the center (which onbinüçyüzdoks) Consumer disputes under arbitration committee of the Turkish lira in the Province
d) non-metropolitan status in the provinces to the districts in 6920 (the altıbindokuzyüzyirm) with 10.390 Turkish Lira (onbinüçyüzdoks that) are required to submit applications to the Provincial Consumer arbitral tribunal in the dispute between the Turkish Lira.
This contract is made for commercial purposes [Y.Y2].

10.1. BUYER basic characteristics of the contract product on the internet site called www.alfazzo.com the seller, sale price and form of payment, delivery and the Preliminary Information Form for the right of withdrawal is the owner read the information and electronically accept that the necessary confirmation, declaration and undertake.
10.2. BUYER; this agreement but confirmed electronically, prior to the conclusion of distance contracts, the address must be given to consumers by the Seller, the main features on the order of a given product, tax included in the price of products, information on the right of withdrawal with payment and delivery information as would have confirmed that ensure the correct and complete.
10.3. SELLER contract product is robust, complete, in case the qualifications specified in the order that must be delivered in accordance with appropriate legislation and ensure taxpayers are not supplied with the documents and manuals.
10.4. BUYER to comply with the provisions of the legislation when using the website and the seller to accept them and undertake not to violate the bass. Otherwise, all civil and criminal liabilities that may arise will connect fully and solely recipients.
5.10. BUYER disruptive in any way the public order, the website of the seller, contrary to public morality, disturbing others and harassing manner, for a purpose contrary to law, can not use so as to rape someone else’s material and moral rights. In addition, members using the services of others to prevent or impede the activities (spam, viruses, Trojan horse, etc.) Can not be found in the process.
10.6. the seller through the website, not the seller’s own control and / or further third parties that owned and / or operated by other websites and / or other content on linked. These links are placed to ensure ease of orientation buyer is any web site or that site to support people and businesses of any link does not carry a warranty for the information contained in the website.
10.7. This distance selling contract because of the substances listed in one or more of the member in violation of criminal and civil as is personally responsible for this violation, the seller will keep free from civil and criminal consequences of such violations. Also; Because of this violation, if it be referred to the events of the law, due to failure to comply with this agreement against members of the seller reserves the right to demand compensation.

BUYER this case the implementation of payment orders via the Site will be deemed to have accepted all the terms of the contract. DEALER, said on the website of the Convention, arrangements to ensure the software can not be ordered without confirmation that he read and accepted by the Purchaser is obliged to do.

[Y.Y1] In another method will be determined using the right of withdrawal should be clearly stated here.

[Y.Y2] These limits must be updated with the year he’s writing the Ministry of Commerce.


VD / No
Web address

Name and surname

a.iş the subject of this contract, the buyer’s vendor www.alfazzo.com domain selection box area in order electronically from the website called on his following qualities and selling price specified product sales and the related delivery of 6502 on Consumer Protection of the Law and Official Gazette No. 29 188 Distance of the parties pursuant to Regulation Relating to the Convention is to undertake the rights and obligations.
b.işb all the commitments included in the price stated in the Preliminary Information Form, are valid until they are changed and updated. Which was declared as a term promises and prices are valid until the end of the specified period
c.listelen and declared the site the price is the selling price. The goods or services including all taxes and sales price are shown below.
Product code
Unit price

Of TL (KDV Including)

Of TL (KDV Including)

Shipping cost:
Of TL (KDV Including)

The overall total:
Of TL (KDV Including)


a. Total www.alfazzo.com in the SELLER orders received via www .com cancel without showing any reason and is entitled to limit. This limitation from the same customer account, using the same credit card, contain the same billing or shipping addresses, wholesalers, dealers or re-sold by the intended purpose can be applied to the order that was given.
b. www.alfazzo.com SELLER available in the stores with prices that may occur in the address is not liable for the difference between the prices. The prices indicated in the order summary page when ordering on the site when you order through the site are valid.
c. www.alfazzo.com spelling errors or lack of information may have on the information provided about the product. SELLER these errors to the legal provisions of the legislation regarding the right to cancel and the consequent correction in some order to comply with the condition or reserves the right to make changes.
d. SELLER www.alfazzo.com domain selection box of the product illustrations in color to the real color content aims to show the most appropriate way. However, the user’s display settings, does not accept liability for any differences that may occur due to different display types.
e. BUYER contracted goods / services will examine before taking delivery; dents, cracks, etc. packaging torn. damaged and defective goods / services company will take delivery of the cargo. Delivery taken of goods / services is undamaged and that the firm will be accepted.
f. The delivery of the products offered for sale are made Turkey and other countries.
Orders, depending on the location of the buyer’s domicile is delivered with the condition of not to exceed 30 days.

a. no sales are through the seller’s phone. Therefore, due to the use of the dialed number to the order, the fee is not installed any additional cost to the buyer regarding tariff.
b. or indefinite period of more than one year as a vendor regarding the supply of products sold that there are no sales shape.
NS. continuously or periodically perform vendor’s products, there is no supply of goods that are sold.
D. Total orders received in canceling out SELLER sites without giving any reason and is entitled to limit. This limitation from the same customer account, using the same credit card, contain the same billing or shipping addresses, wholesalers, dealers or re-sold by the intended purpose can be applied to the order that was given.
to. Payment of the credit card and so on. In cases where the spending document made, by someone else’s card if used in a manner contrary to the law; Dated 23.02.2006 No. 5464 on Bank Cards and Credit Cards Law dated 10.03.2007 and numbered 26 458 Official Gazette published on Bank Cards and operation is carried out according to the Regulation on Credit Cards.
f. In respect of the legal consequences of falling into default in installment sales where the buyer, in accordance with Article 19 of the Law on Consumer Protection SELLER; In the case of consumer installment sales contracts installments of default in payment, it has kept the right to demand the execution of all of the remaining debt as merchants and their other rights reserved.
g. BUYER www.alfazzo.com web basic characteristics of the contract product on the site, sales price and the preliminary information relating to the delivery and payment method is read and knowledgeable and declares that the necessary confirmation electronically. BUYER job this “Preliminary Information Form” prior to the conclusion of distance selling contract but confirmed electronically, the address must be given to the recipient by the SELLER, the basic properties of the product on the orders of the product / product all tax included in the price of, the payment and delivery details with the right to withdrawal accurate and would have confirmed that it has acquired complete.
h. Business information given under this preliminary information form, is mentioned in the context of distance communication used vehicles in accordance with and the principle of good faith within the framework of minors with discriminating power from deprived or restricted adult business given way for commercial purposes to protect these pre-disclosure form.

a. no sales are through the seller’s phone. Therefore, due to the use of the dialed number to the order, the fee is not installed any additional cost to the buyer regarding tariff.
b. or indefinite period of more than one year as a vendor regarding the supply of products sold that there are no sales shape.
NS. continuously or periodically perform vendor’s products, there is no supply of goods that are sold.
D. Total orders received in canceling out SELLER sites without giving any reason and is entitled to limit. This limitation from the same customer account, using the same credit card, contain the same billing or shipping addresses, wholesalers, dealers or re-sold by the intended purpose can be applied to the order that was given.
to. Payment of the credit card and so on. In cases where the spending document düzenlenmeksiz made, by someone else’s card if used in a manner contrary to the law; Dated 23.02.2006 No. 5464 on Bank Cards and Credit Cards Law dated 10.03.2007 and numbered 26 458 Official Gazette published on Bank Cards and operation is carried out according to the Regulation on Credit Cards.
f. In respect of the legal consequences of falling into default in installment sales where the buyer, in accordance with Article 19 of the Law on Consumer Protection SELLER; In the case of consumer installment sales contracts installments of default in payment, it has kept the right to demand the execution of all of the remaining debt as merchants and their other rights reserved.
g. BUYER www.alfazzo.com web basic characteristics of the contract product on the site, sales price and the preliminary information relating to the delivery and payment method is read and knowledgeable and declares that the necessary confirmation electronically. BUYER job this “Preliminary Information Form” prior to the conclusion of distance selling contract but confirmed electronically, the address must be given to the recipient by the SELLER, the basic properties of the product on the orders of the product / product all tax included in the price of, the payment and delivery details with the right to withdrawal accurate and would have confirmed that it has acquired complete.
h. Business information given under this preliminary information form, is mentioned in the context of distance communication used vehicles in accordance with and the principle of good faith within the framework of minors with discriminating power from deprived or restricted adult business given way for commercial purposes to protect these pre-disclosure form.

7.Recipients objections and complaints of
a. implementation work on this front acknowledgment, references about RECEIVER complaints and appeals, Ministry of Customs and Trade of the recipient until the Ministry disclosed the value of goods / purchase service, or Consumer Courts Consumer arbitral tribunal in the place where the residence is authorized.
b. Information related to monetary limits are as follows:
to be effective from the date of 1/1/2020:
a) 6920 in disputes under the Turkish Lira District Consumer arbitral tribunal
b) in the Metropolitan yl status 6920 with 10,390 Turkish Lira Consumer Arbitration Committee Province in disputes between the Turkish Lira
c) the status of 10.390 in the non-metropolitan provinces of the center (which onbinüçyüzdoks) Consumer disputes under arbitration committee of the Turkish lira in the Province
d) non-metropolitan status in the provinces to the districts in 6920 with 10.390 Turkish Lira are required to submit applications to the Provincial Consumer arbitral tribunal in the dispute between the Turkish Lira.
If approved, the PURCHASER’s order is deemed to have accepted all the terms of this agreement.